Douglas County Healthcare Coalition

ThHeath Care Coalition e Douglas County Healthcare Coalition endeavors to develop and promote emergency preparedness and response capabilities of Douglas County healthcare entities by: 

Strengthening medical surge capacity and capabilities
Building relationships and partnerships
Facilitating communication, information and resource sharing
Maximizing movement and utilization of existing resources
Coordinating training, drills, and exercises

Carson City Health and Human Services:
Provides technical support to assist with coalition efforts through the preparedness delegation issued by Nevada State Health Officer. Provides insight, policy guidance, and leadership through meeting participation, planning support and communications to promote, attain and sustain Public Health. Carson City Department of Health

Douglas County Emergency Management:
Provides support to the Healthcare Coalition and organizational services to advance and facilitate the delivery of emergency medical services by coordinating and advising the efforts through lead administrative support and facilitation of coalition meetings and deliverables.

Member/Member Organizations:
Provide representation at coalition meetings and activities, develop strategies and contribute to achieving established coalition priorities and goals.

The Douglas County Healthcare Coalition serves as the meta-leader that brings everyone together for everyday healthcare and emergency preparedness activities. This builds relationships and strengthens community resiliency based upon mutual trust and expectations.

Contact Us

Coalition Chair
David Fogerson
Douglas County Emergency Management
Email Dave

Vice Chair
Kathy Cocking, MSN, RN
Carson Valley Medical Center
Email Kathy

Taylor Radtke
Carson City Health & Human Services
Email Taylor