Douglas County, NV – Douglas County is excited to announce that Phase 1 of the new strategic plan is coming to a close, and the County is setting its sights on the next steps. The strategic plan creates a shared vision between the residents of Douglas County and their elected officials. This five-year document will serve as an operational roadmap for the future.
Currently the County has approximately 800 respondents and would like to encourage the public to please share thoughts, opinions, and ideas about the future of Douglas County. The survey can be taken here. To further ensure that all voices are heard, the survey deadline has been extended to October 2, 2023.
In addition, the public is invited to attend the final public workshop on October 9 at the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency building at 128 Market St., Stateline, NV. The workshop takes place from 4-7:30 p.m., and members of the public are encouraged to drop in and chat with us for any amount of time that works for their schedule. A free barbecue meal will be provided!
The County is currently wrapping up Phase 1, which is designed to Gain Insights. The phases are categorized by the following actions:
Phase 1: Gain Insights
This phase is designed to define the purpose, scope and direction of the future based of data collection and feedback.
- Onsite Strategic Plan Public Meeting with the public and the Board of County Commissioners This meeting took place Thursday, August 24 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the CVIC Hall in Minden.
- Focus Groups: various community stakeholders are currently participating in focus groups with OnStrategy.
- Strategic Plan Workshop Public Meeting: The County held its first public workshop on Tuesday, September 19 from 4-7:30 p.m. to discuss strategic objectives with the public.
- Community Survey: The County developed a public survey to garner input on the strategic plan. The survey results will be compiled and made available to the public as well as included in an overall insight report.
- All data collected from the workshops, community event, survey and focus groups will be compiled and analyzed into an insights report which will be made available to the public and utilized in phase 2 of the strategic planning process.
Phase 2: Design Strategy
- Phase 2 will use information gathered from Phase 1 to facilitate the strategy development sessions.
- Strategy Session: OnStrategy will facilitate a two-day strategy session November 6-7 to write and develop the Strategic Plan during special BOCC meetings in November.
The Board of County Commissioners first approved a strategic plan to guide the direction of Douglas County in 2008. Since then, the plan has been updated from time to time as objectives and initiatives are modified and/or completed. The Fiscal Year 2018-2022 Strategic Plan adopted in 2017 can be viewed here.
Check out douglascountynv.gov/strategicplan for more details.