Alternative Sentencing Mission Statement:
To assist probationers and defendants with the opportunity to make positive life changes and empower them to become productive and law-abiding members of our community.
"Strength Through Adversity"
The Department of Alternative Sentencing is an integral part of the County's Justice System and is committed to protecting the community, serving the courts and establishing partnerships with treatment providers. We are responsible for supervision of pre-trial and/or pre-sentence defendants and persons convicted of misdemeanor offenses. We hold them accountable for their misconduct and promote and support their efforts with rehabilitation.
Major Functions Include
Active supervision of probationers and defendants pending criminal proceedings
- Drug and alcohol testing of probationers and other court ordered defendants
- Global positioning satellite tracking, house arrest monitoring, and transdermal alcohol monitoring of defendants and probationers
- Monitoring and supervision of persons arrested for crimes of domestic violence
- Case management and supervision of defendants ordered to participate with the DUI Diversion Court Program