Board of County Commissioners


The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) is the governing, legislative body for Douglas County. The 5 members of the Board are elected at large, by district. Commissioners serve 4-year, overlapping terms, and receive limited compensation for their service to the community. Each year, the Board selects one of its members to serve as chairman and preside over public meetings.

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The duties of the Board of Commissioners are to: 

  • Develop policies guiding the county in the delivery of services and achieving community goals
  • Encourage resident awareness and involvement
  • Maintain financial stability by overseeing the county budget process and allocations
  • Provide County Leadership
 Incumbent  Term  
 dt   District 1 
Danny Tarkanian, Commissioner
(775) 781-1503
[email protected] 

Commissioner Hales
  District 2
Sharla Hales, Chairwoman 
(775) 781-0818
[email protected] 
 mg District 3
Mark Gardner, Vice Chair
(775) 781-1378
[email protected] 
 wr District 4
Wesley Rice, Commissioner 
 (775) 546-3170
[email protected] 
Nathan Tolbert District 5
Nathan Tolbert, Commissioner
[email protected]        