Apply & Renew - Permitting Process for VHRs Archive Copy

Lake TahoeIncluded on this page is the information you need if you are a current vacation home rental (VHR) permit holder looking to renew your existing VHR permit. If you do not currently have a VHR permit, this page also includes information on how to begin the process to be added to the VHR waitlist.

No more than 600 permits may be issued in the Tahoe Township. There is also a limit on density, (the total percentage of VHRs that may be permitted) per neighborhood area. To see density by neighborhood area, click
here to use the County's online viewer.

To assist property owners with completing new and renewal VHR applications, the County has developed a VHR Permit Guidebook for your reference.
Coming soon. 

Existing Permits
For existing permits please be advised, your permit expires and is subject to renewal annually. If you do not take the steps to renew your permit prior to the expiration date, your permit application will be considered a new permit application and you will be subject to the new permit cap and waitlist. It is the responsibility of the permit holder, not the County, to ensure your permit does not expire. Douglas County may choose to remind you as a courtesy when your permit is up for renewal, but failure by the County to remind you does not entitle you to renew if your permit expires. There is no grace period. Failure to renew and pay the applicable fees prior to the expiration date will render the VHR permit null and void. 

Click here to begin your online Vacation Home Rental permit renewal.

New Permits
Douglas County will establish a list of property owners who will be randomly selected to qualify to apply for the remaining permits available under the 600 permit cap. The remaining applicants will be placed on a waitlist to qualify to apply for future available permits. Douglas County Code Enforcement will begin accepting waitlist applications on July 1, 2021. If selected, once notified, applicants will then have 60 days to meet all of the conditions of a VHR permit as determined by the County and pay the necessary fees.

In the future, new applicants will be required to apply annually to be placed on a waitlist to qualify to be eligible for a future permit. 

If it is determined by the County the applicant is unable to meet all of the conditions of the permit, the permit allocation will go back into a pool and the next applicant on the waitlist would qualify to apply for a permit. A lottery will be conducted annually to establish the waitlist, which will be good for one year. For more information regarding the waitlist, visit the
VHR Permit Waitlist tab.

VHR Permit Fees Effective July 15, 2021
vhr fees

Fire & Life Safety Inspection
Schedule your Vacation Home Rental Inspection with Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District for all new and existing permits prior to application submittal. Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District will be collecting their fees at the time the appointment is scheduled. 
Click here to schedule your inspection with Tahoe Douglas Fire Protection District or call 775-588-3591. 

Local Contact and VHR Compliance Education Certification Program
VHR owners are required to d
esignate a local contact person and/or emergency contact person for the property. “Local contact person” and/or “emergency contact” means a Nevada licensed property manager, owner, or local individual, who resides or has a primary place of business located within Douglas County or the jurisdictional boundaries of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The local contact is required to be available to respond to tenant and neighborhood questions or concerns. The local contact may be any agent of the owner authorized by owner to take remedial action and respond to any violation of this ordinance, 24 hours a day. “Local” also means that the response time to the VHR from the local contact person’s residence is not more than thirty (30) minutes from the time the complaint is received by them. The property owner, local contact and property manager are required to take a VHR Compliance Education Certificate Program. More information on this requirement is coming soon.