Minden, NV – As efforts continue to remove snow and restore power, Douglas County urges residents to prepare for the next round of winter storms. According to the US National Weather Service (NWS) in Reno, “A Winter Storm Watch is in effect from Wednesday morning through Thursday evening for the Lake Tahoe Area, Mono County, and Lassen-Plumas-E. Sierra Counties.” NWS says the region is due to receive another round of heavy snow, which may create dangerous winter-weather conditions and hazardous travel. In addition, gusty winds could cause damage to trees and lead to power outages.
Douglas County wants to urge all residents to prepare in advance for the upcoming storms. Our community should avoid unnecessary travel and have emergency plans in place in case of power outages, flooding, and dangerous snow conditions.
If able, allow indoor sinks to trickle. Running water helps prevent pipes from freezing
Keep garage doors closed if there are water supply lines in the garage
Know where the water shutoff valve is and how to open and close it
If your house is flooding, turn off the water valve and immediately call 911
Clear gas meters of snow
If your power goes out, do not use a gas stove or oven to heat your home, Use a generator, but only outdoors and away from windows
Have sandbags on hand in case of flooding. Clearing snow creates pathways for moving water. Assess how a flood would impact your home and have a plan in place to respond
Purchase in advance all the necessary groceries, supplies, and tools to clear sidewalks and driveways, uncover your car, and keep all passageways clear
Be sure you have a way to clear snow, including a snow shovel, snow blower with gas, and salt or sand to pre-treat the driveway and sidewalks. A push broom can be helpful for removing snow from vehicles and gas meters
The following warming centers are available in Douglas County and Carson City:
Douglas County:
Douglas County Community & Senior Center (Open 24 hours)
1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410
East Fork Fire Protection District Station 4 (Open until 8 a.m.)
1476 Albite Road, Wellington, NV 89444
Harvey’s Lake Tahoe (Open 24 hours)
18 Hwy 50, Stateline, NV 89449
Carson City:
Carson City Fire Station 51 (Open until 5 p.m.)
777 S. Stewart St., Carson City, NV 89701.
Check Road Conditions - Stay off the roads unless travel is absolutely necessary
Use snow tires and carry chains
Slow down and leave a safe stopping distance! A collision or spinout takes much longer to reach your destination and puts lives at risk. Slow down and arrive safety
Don't use cruise control on snowy roads
Prepare Snow Essentials - Have a first aid kit, food and water, extra clothes and boots, and proper snow tools like a shovel with you
Don't slam on the brakes; this could cause a slide on snow or ice. Apply controlled, constant pressure when applicable and start braking earlier than you normally would
County officials are working around the clock to prioritize street plowing. The following determines how streets are prioritized:
Priority Level 1
Arterial roadways are always addressed first. Arterial roadways are major roadways having high traffic volumes and high operating speeds. Those roadways providing critical access links within the County and the majority of the County’s snow removal equipment is needed to keep arterial roadways safe for travel. Arterial roadways are the top priority to ensure accessibility for emergency vehicles, to provide adequate width for vehicle lanes and breakdown areas, and to minimize surface icing.
Priority Level 2
Collector roadways/local streets. Once snowfall subsides and arterial roadways have been safely cleared, equipment is then deployed to plow collector roadways and school bus routes. Collector roadways distribute traffic between arterial roadways and residential streets and often serve as links between subdivisions. Collector roadways normally do not provide direct access to private property.
Priority Level 3
County maintained unpaved roads: These roads consist of all county-maintained unpaved roads. Normal snowfall (one foot or less) will be removed within 72 hours, or as warranted, if personnel and equipment are available.
In addition, priority has been given to plowing Clear Creek, Alpine View and Fairgrounds area so they can get to critical sites and refuel the generators, etc.
For more information on how Douglas County is responding to current impacts related to the storm visit our webpage.