Minden, NV- The Martin Slough Multimodal Trail Project is approximately 95% complete. The main improvements installed include the box culvert and other slough crossings; fiber conduit; and pavement of the trail alignment. The improvements that remain to be installed include fine grading of the gravel shoulders along the trail; bollards to keep vehicles off of the trail; signage; revegetation of the disturbed areas; striping; and final cleanup. Even though the trail is near completion, Douglas County is currently advising citizens to stay off the trail in the meantime as crews work to complete the project.
The contractor is estimating that the project will be ready for substantial completion later in the month of June. At that time, staff will perform a site inspection to confirm if issuing a Substantial Completion notice is appropriate or not. Once the County takes over the project, the trail will be officially ready for use.
Save the date for the trail dedication ceremony which will be taking place on the morning of Saturday, August 20, 2022.
To stay up to date and to sign up for project updates click on this link: Martin Slough Trail Project - Douglas County, Nevada (douglascountynv.gov)