Douglas County Opens Competitive Bid for Minden-Tahoe Airport Operations and Management Services

Minden, NV – Douglas County is currently seeking a Request for Proposal (RFP) for airport operations and management services for the Minden-Tahoe Airport. The RFP was posted to the website on March 1, 2023 and can be viewed here.
“The Minden-Tahoe Airport is an important asset to our community and we are confident that this competitive proposal process will result in a variety of established aviation management companies from which the County will select the best to support our vision for the future of the airport,” said County Manager Patrick Cates.
According to the RFP, the County “is seeking proposals from experienced contractors for the operation of the Minden-Tahoe Airport through a contractor agreement with Douglas County, Nevada. The contractual operations include all general maintenance activities, utilities, operational expenses, customer services, and development of new services at the airport. The contractor will ensure that the premises are principally used for conducting aviation, or aviation related, businesses and shall abide by all applicable Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), federal, state, and local laws in operating the airport. The contractor will be required to operate the airport, on behalf of the County, in accordance with federal and state obligations (including FAA grant assurances), and Douglas County Code.”
Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit an email expressing interest as early in the process as possible. The email must be received no later than Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 2 p.m. PST. The County reserves the right to disqualify offerors for whom an email is received after this deadline. To be properly and timely considered, an electronic copy of the Offeror’s proposal must be received no later than 2 p.m., on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Please see the RFP link for a complete list of important deadlines that offerors are required to meet in order to be considered.
All correspondence for this RFP must go to:
Stephanie Creed, CPPO, CPPB Procurement Process Consultant
Civic Initiatives [email protected]
512-523-4834 Ext 538