Community Grant

What are Community Grants?

Under Nevada law, the Board of County Commissioners may award grant funding to non-profit community organizations that provide a substantial benefit to the residents of the County.
NRS 244.1505 states that a Board of County Commissioners may grant or donate monies to a non-profit organization created for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, or to a government entity, for any purpose which will provide a substantial benefit to the inhabitants of the County. These grants must be awarded by resolution.

To qualify for funding an organization is required to submit a completed application to Douglas County with the following:
* Organization information (i.e. history, mission, the geographical area served)
* Organization’s financial information (i.e. availability of alternate funding, financial statements)
* Information regarding the program/project the requested funding will be used for
* The results achieved from any prior year’s grant funding that was received (if applicable)

How Community Grants are Funded
General Fund 
During the budget process, the Board of County Commissioners approves a budget for the Community Grant Program from the available one-time, adjusted opening fund balance, resulting from prior fiscal year savings. As such, funds may increase, decrease, or be eliminated based on available financial resources.
Social Services Indigent Fund
Social Services funds include a dedicated tax rate which must be awarded to benefit the County’s indigent population. During the budget process, a portion of these funds is budgeted for the Community Grant Program.
Over the past 15 years, the Community Grant Program has awarded over $1,990,200 to help support countless Douglas County non-profit organizations.

Please NOTE: All grant awards are conditioned on the Board of County Commissioners appropriating sufficient funding for the Community Grant Program during the grant cycle, and approving the grant award resolution.

How the Program Has Evolved
Community Grant Committee
During Fiscal Year 2015-16, the community grant committee was assembled to review applications and provide a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. The grant committee consists of one social services staff, one finance staff, and one staff from the County Manager's Office. During Fiscal Year 2020-2021 the community grant committee recommended updating the policy and procedures, to include program forms, to improve the expectations and consistency of the program.
2021-2022 brought continued improvements with awardee training.
2022-2023 The Awardee Success Page was born. Information from the awardees regarding the success of their projects is viewable to the public.
2024-2025 Applications will be open 16 February 2024 and awarded prior to the fiscal year start in July. There will be a webinar on TEAMs explaining grant changes: program overview, evaluation criteria, application requirements and forms as well as answering questions on 20 February 2024. Funding for FY2024-2025 Community Grants was not approved. If there is available funding at mid-year funding may be possible.

How are the funds awarded?
A committee is assembled each year that evaluates all applications in accordance with the assigned criteria. Any grant awards are allocated based on available funding for that fiscal year. The committee presents its recommendations to the Audit Committee which reviews and either accepts or rejects the Community Grant Committee's recommendations.  The final step is with the Board of County Commissioners, where the recommendations are considered by the Board and the public is able to provide comments. Once a final consensus is reached, a resolution is presented as passed. Awardees are then notified.

Please NOTE: All grant awards are conditioned on the Board of County Commissioners appropriating sufficient funding for the Community Grant Program during the grant cycle, and approving the grant award resolution.

How do you apply?

The grant submission application period for FY2024-25 will open February 16, 2024. If your community non-profit organization is interested in applying, please check back as more information becomes available. You will be able to access the application through the FY2024-25 link, when available. 

 Community Grant Application FY24-25

The following documents are required to be attached to the application: 
organizational chart
most recent Federal Income Tax Return or 990
most recent Financial Statement
the organization’s current budget
Assurances Signature form

Applicants are required to thoroughly review this website along with 
Douglas County Policy 100.08 Community Grants Program and the Douglas County FY2018-22 Strategic Plan before submitting their application.

FY20-21 Recommendation Report

FY21-22 Recommendation Report

What is the timeline to apply for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 funding?

Applications will be available 16 February 2024

Eligibility - Douglas County 501(c)3 non- profit organizations 

20 Feb 2024 - Required Funding Opportunity Webinar on TEAMs (registration is required) email [email protected] to register.

Application will be due by 11:59 PM 29 March 2024.

April 2024 – On budget hold - Grant Committee to review applications in preparation for grant recommendations to be presented to the Finance Audit Committee, Internal Review Committee and Board of County Commissioners.

Late April 2024 – On budget hold 

May 2024 - 
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners, during the preparation for the 2024/25 Fiscal Year Budget, experienced a reduction in anticipated Sales Tax revenue for the upcoming fiscal year. As a result, the County faced a deficit. This, coupled with significant cost increases common across our nation, necessitated serious and significant budgetary cuts for the County. Unfortunately, one of the program reductions in the 24/25 fiscal year budget was the Community Grant Program.

All applications submitted are still valid and if funding becomes available mid-year awards will be given.

The Douglas County Board of Commissioners will be meeting on May 20, 2024 10:00 AM at the Historic Courthouse 1616 Eighth Street Minden, Nevada 89423, to approve the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Final Budget in accordance with State Law.

Community Grant Forms

Assurance Signature Form
 Notice of Funding Availability
Grant Report Form

Community Grant Subrecipient Trainings
Reimbursement and Reporting
 FY24-25 Funding Opportunity

Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
Phone:           (775) 782-9029
Email:             [email protected]