Minden, NV - Douglas County Vacation Home Rental (VHR) Permitting is migrating from HDL, which has previously handled our permitting process to an internal process called Accela Analytics (AA).
This change allows Douglas County to begin to manage the entire permitting process with Internal VHR personnel and create a one-stop shop of services and data.
Existing and new permit applications will require the user to create a new account in Accela ACA:
https://aca-prod.accela.com/ONE/Account/RegisterDisclaimer.aspx,and will no longer be directed to register with HDL.
VHR Program Manager Ernie Strehlow notes “I know that these changes will be beneficial to the VHR process and will make it easier to service your needs”. Watch your email soon for these changes and links.
Renewal emails are being sent out now for January renewals, while VHR Waitlist invitees are also being sent out.
Those who have additional questions are urged to visit the Douglas County VHR website here:
https://www.douglascountynv.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=12493103&pageId=14438390 or to contact their offices directly at (775) 782-6214.